pencil vase FOLDING

2012. 10. 26. 18:44 from notice


Pencil Vase  FOLDING


Since 2010, the concept of my work has mainly been on ‘Folding.’

The very first step is originated from the “folding action” of the paper of ‘Origami’.

I prepare papers in identical shape.

I fold them in a different way from each other.

Depending on the way of folding, the same papers turn into different shapes separately. The whole process has become fresh and exciting experience to find the new figures I had never been able to figure out before.

The most important point of my project is capturing the diverse figures emerged from a set of variations of actions, which could affect the identical substances. 





















































photo by Leeyimkyoung







  한국공예디자인진흥원 KCDF 갤러리 숍 

서울시 종로구 인사동길 11길 8 Tel 02-733-9041

국립현대미술관 서울관 아트샵 / 110-200 서울특별시 종로구 삼청로 30 (소격동)